Patient and family rights
To receive treatment irrespective of socio-economic status, age, gender, caste, race and religion
To prompt assessment and appropriate management of pain
To receive complete information on the medical condition, proposed treatment and plan of care
To be informed about the expected outcomes of treatment and give consent for the same
To receive counselling regarding estimated cost of treatment and payment protocol
To receive information on hospital rules and regulations
To receive information in a language that patients understand
To participate in the care process and right to refuse or discontinue treatment
Patients have the right to receive care that is respectful of the patient's personal values and beliefs
To personal dignity and privacy while receiving care
To have any special preferences including spiritual and cultural needs
To confidentiality about patients' medical information
To request access and receive a copy of their clinical records
To protection from physical assault, neglect and additional vulnerabilities
To know the process for voicing complaints and the process of resolution
To seek a second opinion on his/her medical condition
SGT Hospital, Gurugram: A COVID-19 Safe Hospital
Everyone who comes to Hospital is screened at entry points
We promote good hand hygiene
Social distancing among people
Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to cut the risk of cross infection
Regularly disinfect the facility and have a dedicated ‘Flu Clinic’ outside the Hospital for people with coronavirus related symptoms
Our Coronavirus home care programme has all the necessary tools to monitor yourself at the comfort of your home, without spending on the hospitalization cost