General Medicine Internal Medicine is an exciting and challenging area. Increased concern about ways to educate patients about chronic illness, changing health care economics, uncertainties about the best use of new technologies, and an evolution in multidisciplinary research—all create opportunities for internal medicine physicians to improve patient care and medical education. India faces the twin onslaught of various infectious diseases of underdeveloped world and unhappy life style disease of the developed world. Adoption of healthy life style and healthy food habits with innovative application of preventive strategies is the need of the hour. Preventive and executive health check-ups for various age groups are tailored for helping early detection and appropriate care for many diseases that have the potential to adversely afflict various body systems of our productive population. Department of Internal Medicine is managed by a team of doctors from varied backgrounds who are dedicated to excellence in comprehensive patient care, community obligations, clinical research and professional growth. We strive to provide various Internal Medicine related clinical services with scholarly inquisitive approach to clinical problem-solving as a continuum of primary care to subspecialty care with involvement of various super specialty team members. Logical & holistic approach to management of various lifestyle related diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac & vascular diseases is rewarding and is logically given its due importance in day-to-day practice of Medicine.
At SGT Hospital our team members are dedicated to the compassionate and balanced practice of medicine that is need based and cost-effective. We provide good quality outpatient medical services for adult population, emergency & indoor services for various medical problems and critical care in a comprehensive manner. As a part of our social responsibility for community, we have an out-reach program for early detection of various diseases and helping sensitize the community in various health related problems.
We specialize in Treating
It includes Malaria, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever etc. Most of these diseases present with fever & other symptoms, which are investigated in depth & treated. Environmental Diseases Environmental Diseases which include diseases due to Industrial chemical exposure, drowning, electrical injuries, radiation injuries, snake bite, lizard bite, dog bite, insect or scorpion bite are treated in department of Internal medicine. Pre-Operation Checks Senior consultant of department of internal medicine are involved in preoperative checks in addition to anesthetises assessment to manage &pick up existing medical problem prior to surgical procedures as well as to take appropriate measures prior to surgeries. There has been a consistent increase in the number of patients attending the various services of this department. Over the years various specialized services like upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), hemodialysis, neurophysiology services like evoked potentials, EEG, noninvasive cardiac tests like treadmill testing, Holter monitoring and echo-cardiography, solid organ biopsies, intracarpal injections, joint aspiration, intra-articular injections have been provided to patients. Recently a new facility has been launched through “e-Sampark services” by which OPD registration can be done online.
Facilities for peritoneal dialysis and continous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) are also available in the hospital. Renal biopsies are done regularly as a diagnostic tool. Hematology services: Full care to patients with hematological problems including anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, leukemia and lymphoma is being provided to the patients. Rheumatology services: Patients having various rheumatological problems are provided comprehensive health care. Facilities and expertise for intra articular injections, muscle biopsies, sural nerve biopsies, minor salivary gland biopsies, intra-carpal injection and immunosuppressive therapy is available in the department. Extension Services The department of Ophthalmology holds various eye camps in different areas with the help of voluntary organizations. In the eye camps, screening OPD’s are held and patients are treated at their door-steps. Patients requiring surgeries are brought to the Medical College. Research activities are being actively pursued by the department in various fields.
Video Endoscopy system FUTURE ENDEAVORS The department plans to become self-sufficient in all medical specialties to reduce the need for referral of patients to other centers as well as continue to provide high quality comprehensive services to the public. As part of its CME programme, which is held regularly, the department will continue to strive to educate the physicians of the region so that they are kept up to date with the latest developments in medical field. The department will continue to improve upon its curriculum and teaching methodology to make the outgoing graduates capable of meeting the challenges in general practice. The department plans to start educational programme for the public in certain key areas. The department hopes to start postgraduate courses very soon. A proposal to have super specialists in all the medical specialties is in advanced stage of implementation and the department will soon have specialists in Neurology, Endocrinology, Cardiology in addition to the existing specialists in Gastroenterology and Nephrology. The department, in spite of it preoccupations with patient care, training of undergraduates and setting up of this hospital has already been participating in various conferences and presenting and publishing papers in international and national journals.