• Budhera, Gurugram, Badli Road, Gurugram - 122505, Haryana, India


ENT Introduction: The ENT department of SGT Hospital is abreast with advancements in medical technology and uses the latest treatment modalities for ENT-related problems. The ENT department is one of the best-performing departments in SGT- In terms of patient input, no. of surgeries in a month and daily OPD. The Audiology & Speech Therapy dept. has the facilities for both Audiological diagnostics and speech-language rehabilitation. The ENT department provides all services like routine OPD, Emergency services and surgeries related to Ear, Nose, Throat and Head and Neck surgery. The Ear surgeries performed include Tympanoplasty, Myringoplasty, Myringotomy, Stapedotomy, MRM, Radical Mastoidectomy, Ossiculoplasty and Facial Nerve Decompression. The nose surgeries performed include Septoplasty, FESS, Endoscopic DCR, and Turbinoplasty. The throat surgeries include Adenotonsillectomy, UPPP, MLS for vocal polyp and foreign body removal. Head and Neck surgeries include Thyroidectomy, Parotidectomy, Thyroglossal cyst removal, Submandibular gland excision, Laryngectomy etc., by the best ENT Specialist in Jaipur. The department has various state-of-the-art microscopes to perform micro ear and micro laryngeal surgeries of various types like OSSICULOPLASTY, TYMPANOPLASTY, STAPEDECTOMY, MASTOIDECTOMY, etc which are routinely done in our hospital. Audiometry and Speech Therapy is associated with the department of Otorhinolaryngology. All types of Speech, Hearing and Swallowing disorders are treated with great efficiency by very senior Audiologists and Speech Pathologists. We have nasal and nasopharyngeal endoscopes for diagnostic and video endoscopy facilities for all types of endoscopic sinus surgeries.

Department also has various sizes of Oesophagoscopes to deal with any kind of foreign body or lesion in the oesophagus. Oesophagoscopies are routinely done in our hospital.

  1. Diagnostic Facility
  2. Therapeutic Facility
  3. Audiometry
  4. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  5. Nasal Endoscopy
  6. Tympanoplasty
  7. Direct laryngoscopy
  8. Stapedectomy
  9. Septoplasty
  10. Microlaryngeal Surgery
  11. Facial Nerve Decompression
  12. Endoscopy for foreign body oesophagus.
Ear symptoms
  • EAR ACHE – Ear Pain
  • EAR DISCHARGE – Fluid / Water from ear
  • HARD OF HEARING – Decreased hearing sensation
  • TINNITUS – Ringing sensation in the ear
  • VERTIGO – Giddiness, feeling of rotation of one’s self/surrounding
  • SUDDEN HEARING LOSS Nasal symptoms
  • HEAD ACHE – Due to sinusitis
  • EPISTAXIS – Bleeding from the nose
  • MOUTH BREATHING: It can be perceived by dryness of the throat. Here the patient opens their mouth to breathe while sleeping.
  • POST NASAL DRIP: Discharge coming behind the nose to the throat. Throat symptoms THROAT PAIN
  • DYSPHAGIA: Difficulty while swallowing
  • ODYNOPHAGIA: Pain while swallowing
  • Sleep-related symptoms
  • OPD/Diagnostic Procedure
  • OTO Endoscopy
  • Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy (DNE)
  • Video Laryngosopy (VLE)
As costs escalate, we strive for affordable treatment without compromising on quality parameters like success, safety and ease of processes. Also, as most patients feel more comfortable in the surroundings of their homes, the ENT department offers patients the choice of daycare surgery in the majority of situations. With daycare ENT Surgery, patients admitted to the hospital undergo operations, recover from anaesthesia and go home with their families, all on the same day.

Ear Surgery – The majority of ear surgeries are done as daycare procedures.
Myringotomy and Grommet Insertion - It involves making an incision in the eardrum to drain middle ear fluid and putting in a ventilation tube. This is easily done under local anaesthesia without sedation in the adult patient, and the patient may be sent home within 1 hour of the operation. Children can be treated with short general or ketamine anaesthesia and sent home as soon as they are fully awake and after the anaesthetist's consent.

Tympanoplasty Repair of the eardrum with the restoration of the middle ear hearing apparatus. This is done under local anaesthesia with sedation and the patient may be sent home when fully alert.

Mastoidectomy Removal of disease, usually cholesteatoma, from the mastoid and middle ear, with or without reconstruction of the tympanic membrane and hearing apparatus.

Cholesteatoma is a type of skin cyst that commonly occurs due to complications of chronic ear infection located in the middle ear. This is usually done under local anaesthesia with sedation. If the patient is apprehensive, general anaesthesia may be required as the surgery may sometimes stretch to 3 hours or more. These patients can also be sent home on the same day.

The patient may occasionally experience vertigo after mastoidectomy or ossiculoplasty and is sensitized about it beforehand. Vertigo is a dizzy feeling or a reeling sensation as if one is about fall. In this case, the patient may have to stay in the hospital for an extra day. In the normal course, they will be asked to follow up after 3 days for routine dressing and 7 days for suture removal.

Stapedectomy: Surgery for restoration of hearing in otosclerosis. This is usually done with local anaesthesia and sedation. These patients can sometimes have post-operative vertigo and even vomiting. In the event of vertigo, or complicated surgery, the patient should be kept overnight, or till the patient feels better. Most patients can however go home the same day, provided travel is short and smooth. Air travel is not advisable in the immediate postoperative period. Tympanoplasty and stapedectomy are only occasionally done in children.

Mastoidectomy is always done with general anaesthesia and the children are usually asked to stay overnight.

Nasal Surgery - Most septal and sinus surgery can be done under local anaesthesia with sedation. However, both involve nasal packing. Whilst patients can be sent home with nasal packs, many surgeons don’t recommend this. If the patient were to have some bleeding at home, then neither he nor the doctor would know if it was significant bleeding unless seen. It could so turn out that the surgeon is needed to rush to the patient’s home in the middle of a busy day, maybe to find only insignificant oozing!
All these eventualities are thwarted by keeping them in the hospital for observation and easily accessible medical help. On the other hand, most patients do not bleed and tend to be more comfortable at home and could be called to the clinic after 24-48 hours for pack removal.

Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) can be done easily under local anaesthesia and sedation and the patient sent home after pack removal in the evening, provided there is no bleeding.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery - Involves removing extensive polyposis in the sinuses. It is done under general anaesthesia and these patients are usually advised to stay in the hospital as there may be bleeding associated with major sinus surgery. Patients who have epistaxis, a medical term for nose bleed, (without any major causative pathology) are excellent candidates for daycare endoscopic surgery. Earlier these patients would be packed for 48 hours and the packs removed with frequent rebleeding. Now, with the endoscope, the bleeding point can be identified and cauterized and the patient sent to the room without packing and fear of bleeding. They are then discharged soon after a few hours of observation.

Throat and laryngeal surgery - Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have always been done as daycare procedures. The patients are sent home in the evening after checking the faucets for clots or bleeding. Oral biopsies, buccal leucoplakia excision and other such minor surgeries are also excellent daycare situations. Even most rigid endoscopies, such as direct laryngoscopy, micro laryngoscopy and oesophagoscopy, done under general anaesthesia lend themselves to being daycare cases.

These are usually short procedures for diagnosis, biopsy, and therapeutic excision of small lesions or foreign body removal and do not entail much bleeding or major surgery.

Microsurgery of the ear is provided to restore hearing loss due to chronic otitis media (discharging ear), secretary otitis media (fluid in the middle ear), otosclerosis (fixation of the footplate), and trauma. Surgical procedures like myringoplasty, ossiculoplasty, grommet insertion, stapedectomy, tympanoplasty, mastoidectomy, canaloplasty, facial nerve decompression, and temporal bone resection are performed regularly. Cosmetic ear surgery especially atresioplasty, and pin plasty is also done.

Cochlear Implant Surgery for the patient having profound sensorineural hearing loss and not benefiting from hearing aids is also performed in the department. This centre caters for treatment for patients suffering from cancer of the head and neck like carcinoma of the upper respiratory tract especially the larynx, oral and thyroid glands.

A multidisciplinary approach to these problems is adopted. Surgical procedures performed are laryngectomy, maxillectomy, radical neck dissections, commando operation, parotidectomy, sub-mandibular gland excision, and thyroidectomy. Rehabilitation through surgical reconstruction and speech and voice therapy is also provided. Hearing loss caused by inner ear damage and tumours of the ear and related structures is also managed in the department.

Laser surgery – The department is equipped with a CO2 Laser machine. The patients requiring Laser surgery, especially cases of laryngotracheal trauma are regularly operated on.

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery - Provided for patients with facial deformities resulting from trauma, extirpation of neoplasms and congenital malformations. Facial cosmetic surgery is available for improving the appearance of the nose, cheeks and ears.

Cranial Base Surgery - In this centre, a multidisciplinary team performs surgery for tumours of the skull base. The utilization of innovative approaches enables the resection of otherwise difficult-to-approach lesions.

Audiology & Speech-Language - Pathology evaluation and treatment services are provided for adults with speech, language, swallowing, balance, tinnitus and hearing problems.

Emergency services - Lifesaving procedures on the tracheobronchial tree, foreign bodies removal, trauma and epistaxis are some of the services provided in emergency 24 hrs.

Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry - The most objective test to detect hearing loss as early as three months of age. Done regularly in the department by trained audiologists cum speech therapists.

Otoacoustic Emission Analysis - Otoacoustic emission analysis is a non-invasive and objective test to detect hearing loss even in newly born babies besides the assessment of the auditory system of patients in other age groups.

Hearing Aid Analyzer – A hearing aid analyzer and computer-based instrument helps in analyzing the functioning of a hearing aid by performing electroacoustic measurements and real-ear measurements.

Research & Training - We have a very comprehensive schedule for training undergraduate students and residents in the field of ENT- Head and Neck surgery. The training includes theoretical teaching with the main thrust on bedside clinical and surgical training.
All of these factors above, make us one of the best hospitals in Delhi NCR.